7th treatment and quick update

March 28, 2017 at 12:45 pm (My ramblings)

Sorry I haven’t been on top of getting updates out but I’ve been too busy having fun 😳 Today is treatment #7 and I’ll be getting all 3 medicines infused today; Taxol, Herceptin and Perjeta. I’ve only had 2 rounds of all 3 together and the side effects weren’t much worse than than just the chemo drug.

The main update is the chemo seems to be working! 😁 I definitely have less pain in my stomach area and organs so that tells me the tumors are shrinking. I used to have a lot of pain in my liver when I slept at night and moved around and now I can’t feel anything. I’m still having pain in my lower back though where I have a few lesions and apparently cancer in the bones in very painful. I hate taking pain medicine everyday and am hoping to be able to stop soon as I will be starting accupuncture again in several weeks. I also found a good chiropractor to keep my neck from getting wonky again. 

The next step for me is to get a petscan in about 6 weeks to see how much the tumors have shrunk. From what I understand, I’ll have to keep getting weekly chemo and the other targeted therapies for as long as possible. I really don’t know much more than that and I try to stay off the internet because it’s too depressing.

I’ve been going to my church’s cancer care support group and have made several new friends. I like being able to talk openly about fears or struggles because I feel like everyone there understands how I feel. I’m still trying to process everything since being diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. I know my days are numbered by the Lord but to think about a possible shorter life span saddens me.

My faith is strong and I don’t doubt that God has a plan for my life and He is fulfilling that plan in me with my cancer. I can’t even comprehend going through something like this without faith in Christ. What hope could a person possibly have without knowing their eternal future? Knowing that my future is secure and I have a Father who loves me unconditionally makes this bearable. I would be devastated without my Abba daddy walking me through each and every moment.

Don’t get me wrong though, if I think about the future long enough, the tears come and won’t stop. Even writing that just made me cry. It’s been such a roller coaster at times. I often burst out crying for no seemingly good reason, especially if I’m fatigued, which I’ve been lately.  I’ve been going nonstop since my diagnosis and the Lord is really convicting me to rest more, which is hard for me! I just feel like I don’t want to miss anything and I want to do as much as possible now in case my health declines. Praise the Lord I have my crochet because it’s one of the few things that’ll keep me sitting still!

I can’t end this update without thanking each and every one of you for your prayers, texts, emails, cards and gifts. I read each one and I can’t tell you how uplifting it is, it always makes my day. God’s grace and favor on me is so abundantly clear that it blows my mind. 

Lastly, a special thank you to my husband. His love and devotion for me continues to astound me. This is a man who takes his vows quite seriously! He could teach a class on how to lay down your life for your spouse and love them wholeheartedly. I would not be able to get through this without his love and support and I’m so grateful the Lord brought us together. 

Prayer requests: healing from breast cancer and that the chemo is working to shrink the tumors in my organs and bones, healing from thrush and sore throat/cold, that I would rest more, that I would have patience with my dear hubby, that I would eat better and that I’ll have minimal side effects from today’s infusion.

The scripture below is my cancer verse and ministers to my heart daily. I hope it does the same for you. 


  1. Alice Faye Brown said,

    Dearest Rachel, The light shining from you spreads far and wide. The Lord is allowing you be an uplift to those around you in ways you know not of. Though you, yourself are suffering , your outreach and compassion for others is truly a joy to behold. The Cancer Care Ministry is so blessed to have you with us. We wish it were under different circumstances,
    Since it is not, know how much you are loved by so many and know that you have touched the very heart of Jesus.

  2. Karen armstrong said,

    I am amazed at your strength. Prayer requests received.

  3. Bonnie Emerson said,

    I’m so happy to hear from you and that your treatments haven’t been as terrible as you thought and that your pain levels are declining. I pray for every night when I pray for my 4 daughters. I feel like I have 5 daughters now.

    Remember to call me if you need or want someone else to run around with or to visit on a quiet or resting day. I own the movie Little Miss Sunshine we could watch together or I could rent one OR we could go to the movies. Have you seen The Shack? It’s one of the few blocks I’ve ever read and makes a thought provoking movie.

    I’ve been swimming a lot but it’s harf getting going in the morning. That’s sad and stupid. Then I think of you and what you’re dealing with and get my ass going. Some people get going with their cup of Joe (coffee). I’d like a cup of Rachel. With that I’m off to swim. I feel like it’s helping my muscles gain some strength. Have a blessed week and I love you daughter. Love Bonnie

  4. wendy lane said,

    I love you. Reading your blog resonates so deeply with me. I feel like if I was in your shoes I too would be a roller coaster of emotions – at least – I hope I would have your faith, hope and even joy at least some of the time! I think I would trust Jesus no matter what… but I too would cry and cry and cry at the thought of leaving my loved ones, and probably at the pain too! Just prayed through all your specific requests. And praying always that you would sense His loving presence with you at all times. ❀

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